To Register an Organization
Url :
a) Click on the “Sign up” button.
b) Fill up the form
c) Click on the “Submit” button.
To Login
Url :
a) Enter the Username and Password which was previously used to Sign Up. Then click on the “SIGN IN” button.
To Add Contacts
- Go to “General Settings”.
- Click on the “Contacts” button.
- Click on the “+ ADD CONTACT” button at the top right corner of the page.
- Fill up all the necessary information of Contact.
Fields with red borders are mandatory.
- After filling up the necessary fields, Click on the “SAVE & ADD NEW” button to add new contact and save information of the contact.
To Add New Tag (Tags are used to classify/differentiate the departments/groups)
- Go to “General Settings”.
- Click on the “Tags” button.
- Click on the “+ ADD NEW TAG” button.
- Add the name of the tag and choose your color (Color will help you to recognize the group ).
- Click on “Submit”.
How to associate contacts with tag?
- Go to “General Settings”.
- Click on the “Contacts” button.
- Click on the “ADD TAGS” button.
- You can add one or more contacts for each Tag .
- Click on the “Submit” button.
- Go to “General Settings”.
- Click on the “tags” button.
- Click on the “Assign Contacts” button.
- Select Contacts.
- Click on the “Submit” button.
How to add bulk contacts?
- To add bulk Contacts, go to “General Settings” section of the menu bar located at the left side of the dashboard.
- Click on the “Contacts” button.
- Click on the “ACTION” button near to “+ADD CONTACT” at the top right corner of the page. Two different options will appear. Click “Download Sample Excel”.
- Open the sample file saved in your device and fill up all the necessary information.
- To Upload Contacts on bulk, click on the “Action” button.
After that, different options appear. Then click on the “Bulk Upload Contact” button. - Click on the “Choose file” button and select the excel file where the contacts are saved. After that, click on the “PREVIEW” button. Then click on the “Bulk Upload” button to upload the file.
How to send SMS?
- Go to “SMS” of the menu bar located at the left side of the dashboard.
- Click on the “Send SMS” button.
- Click on the “+SEND SMS” button which is at the top right corner of the page.
- Select the respective Contacts or Tag and schedule a time when you want to send SMS to the selected contacts.
- Click on the “SEND” button.
How to view SMS that has been sent?
- Go to “SMS” section of the menu bar located at the left side of the dashboard.
- Click on the “Send SMS” button.
- Manage SMS page will be loaded.
- Click on the “VIEW SMS INFO” button to view the SMS that has been sent.